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Mindfulness Monday-Star Children Series “Crystal” with Dana Massat



Who are they?

The Crystal children began to appear on the planet from about 1990-2010, although a few scouts came earlier. Their main purpose is to take us to the next level in our evolution and reveal to us our inner and higher power. They function as a group consciousness rather than as individuals, and they live by the “Law of One” or global oneness. They are also advocates for love and peace on this planet.

Evolution-How did we get here?

The evolution of Gifted Children in our world is not a new phenomenon. But evolution has picked up, and more adults are awakening to new spiritual and conscious levels, as well as more children are being born with a higher level of consciousness. We all come from the same source, but we forget that. We can no longer suppress ourselves or our children because our children demand higher standards of living.

Our Egos have overrun this Planet, and Crystal children will bring us back to our hearts, our morals, kindness, a higher level of consciousness, a higher quality of nutrition, increased intimacy, and more.

Crystal children are our teachers. Instead of seeing these children as different or flawed, we need to surrender to a new reality and embrace and nurture them and support them in developing and strengthening their gifts so they can share them with the world.

Misunderstood Gifts

Crystal children are highly telepathic, which often results in them talking long after most toddlers begin to do so; they usually start talking after 3 years old.

Crystal children are very sensitive and they typically use their telepathy, emotions, spirituality, and sign language to communicate versus the usual “verbal” communication we are used too. That is why Crystal Children are misdiagnosed Autistic because they do not fit in the so called “norm”, but honestly they are highly gifted and view verbal communication as less-evolved then the other forms of communication they use.

Yes in the current world we live in, we need verbal communication; so these children do benefit from Speech Therapy. But just as verbal communication is important, we still need to nurture and embrace their other forms of communication and learn from them and attempt to take them on ourselves. We, as adults, contain many of these gifts as well, for example Telepathy. The gift is suppressed inside of us and with these children all around us, it is a great opportunity to awaken and train our own gifts.

Sometimes Crystal children go into trances where they seemingly do not hear their parents. This will happen even more often when they are out in nature. This is another misunderstood gift which creates the Autistic diagnoses. Crystal children are connected to the collective consciousness, other dimensions/lifetimes/frequencies and are constantly channeling and downloading information from guides, angels and other beings.

Characteristics of Crystal Children by Doreen Virtue

  • Have large, communicative eyes and an intense stare.
  • Are highly affectionate.
  • Love music and may even sing before talking.
  • Are extremely connected to animals and nature.
  • Are often very interested in rocks, crystals, and stones.
  • Are extremely artistic.
  • Are highly empathic and sensitive.
  • Are forgiving and generous to others.
  • Draw people and animals near them and love attention.
  • Often have good sense of balance and are fearless when exploring high places.
  • Often see or hear angels and spirit guides
  • Dislike high-stress environments with many distractions.
  • Dislike loud/sharp sounds.
  • Dislike bright, unnatural lights.
  • Often enjoy choosing their own meals and/or when they eat them.
  • Often speak about universal love and healing.
  • Sometimes show healing gifts at young ages.
  • Don’t react well to sugar, caffeine, or unnatural foods/chemicals.
  • Dislike fighting or refuse to keep an argument going very long.
  • Often show strength in telekinesis (or Psycho kinesis).
  • Often amplify emotional energies they gain from their environment (such as negative energies).
  • Can become uncomfortable when around electrical devices too long (watching TV, computer, etc.) Sometimes seem ‘clingy’ to their parents until 4 or 5.
  • Often stare at people for long periods of time (this allows them to read a person and find out more about them through their own personal memories and energy).
  • Can sometimes be manipulative and throw tantrums if they cannot create a reality that is good for them.
  • Are easily over-stimulated and need to meditate/be alone often to replenish themselves.
  • Don’t usually have trouble with fear or worry.
  • Enjoy discussing spiritual or philosophical topics.
  • May appear to be looking at nothing or talking to no one (sign of clairvoyance and/or clairaudience).

How can we help?

Many times I am asked by parents, teachers, and therapists how can we help our Crystal Children flourish?

As parents, teachers, healers, therapists and society as a whole, we need to become better listeners. As I mentioned before these children do not prefer verbal communication so you must open up other channels of communication.

For example: telepathy, sign language, and tuning into your child’s emotional being. This will not only strengthen your communication with your child, but increase your own sensitivities which will connect you deeper to your Higher-self and Source. Creating a deeper connection to your Higher-self and Source as well as clearing your channel, will allow you to make better decisions and will release the noise and mind clutter we have. You will begin to make better decisions because you will be feeling out your choices (intuition) versus over thinking your choices (ego). Spirit will be in constant contact with you, guiding and supporting you.

We have become very disconnected to our emotions and other people’s emotions; we have become overly intellectual and carry an over-load in our mental bodies. Crystal children are very sensitive emotionally and communicate a lot with their emotional bodies. Crystal children have these intense large eyes that look right into our souls and they absorb every current and suppressed emotion when they look at us. This is something that happens instantly and easily for Crystal Children; as quick as a clerk scanning a bar-code.

How many times have you been in an elevator and noticed that you became very uncomfortable after a person entered the elevator. There was no reason to be uncomfortable, but their energy made you restrict your breath and hold tight. This is an example of absorbing energy, or in other words “emotions”. We are energy beings, made up of pure energy, thus we transfer emotions to one another in every moment. Crystal children can walk into a room of 10 people and feel everyone’s thoughts and emotions; and remember this is all done without words or intention to do so.

Our work here, is to drop back down into our emotional body, begin to practice owning and expressing our own emotions as well as read our children’s emotional body. With embracing my own children’s gifts, I no longer have to ask, “What is wrong”. Because I either feel the emotions they are feeling or I hear their thoughts in my own mind. Signs are everywhere, and the emotional and energetic world is more exact and direct then the intellectual world- so why not strengthen a gift that will work better and more efficient for you anyways?

Crystal Triggers

Crystals are very empathic and if anyone is angry, frustrated, or showing strong emotions, the crystal child will start to act out and even have a tantrum.  A Crystal child also needs a positive environment to be able to flourish in their gifts and operate successfully in this world. You may think you home is uplifting and has positive energy flowing, but even if a home is clean and organized it doesn’t mean the energy is flowing properly. Feng Shui is a great way to create a positive flow in your home.

Crystal Children can also become overwhelmed by too much stimuli. They cannot be around electronics for long periods because it lowers their vibration and clutters their channel.

They also cannot handle loud noises, they are very startled by loud noises and they will begin to shut down.

Crystal children do love people, but they cannot be engaged in large crowds for long periods of times; and they actually prefer connecting one on one with people. When a Crystal child connects with a large crowd, remember they are absorbing the entire crowd’s emotions and thoughts.

Crystal children typically have a lot of sensitivities to artificial ingredients and chemicals. They will break out in a rash after using a chemical filled lotion or soap; they will begin to have allergies, digestive issues, and more if they do maintain an organic, gluten-free, and sometimes raw diet. These children are highly affected by processed foods, gluten, and dairy.

Now lets look at how these challenges are positives for Crystal Children and our society

As I mentioned before these children are here to evolve this world even if it means turning our world “up-side down”. We are stubborn beings and set in our ways… so stubborn that we have brought ourselves to this point of needing to make break-thru’s before this world Breaks down.

  • Free your emotions – stop suppressing & ignoring your emotions because this not only hurts you but will hurt and affect your child. Deal with unresolved emotions to begin healing the family and free yourself!
  • Take breaks from electronics – Now we live in an ever evolving digital world, so taking away electronics is not the answer because these children are highly advanced in technology and this is one of their gifts. But we all need breaks from technology to connect authentically and intimately with one another and heal from the electro-magnetic waves.
  • Feng Shui your Child’s room – Ultimately Feng Shui’ing your entire home is ideal not only for your Crystal Child, but your entire family and all your guests! A Feng Shui’d home will assist in keeping your mind peaceful and clear and your energy high and balanced. For example, when your children get into an argument, if a home is not Feng Shui’d the energy of the argument will linger and get stuck in the atmosphere, creating more low vibrational energy and sometimes trigger more arguments. 
  • Start integrating your child socially into small groups so they can prepare and mature themselves for larger groups. Also gathering in Nature is best because your Crystal child will use Nature’s healing qualities to release all the energy and emotions they are absorbing from others.
  • Improve diet and nutrition for the whole family! We are clearly in a crisis of poor diet and nutrition; many people live on a diet of processed foods filled with chemicals, gluten, and artificial ingredients. If we demand something different of a higher quality, we will receive it and it will become our NEW norm. Add more raw and organic foods to your family’s diet and remove gluten, chemicals, dairy, processed foods, and artificial chemicals.

Crystal Children are Natural Born Healers

Even very young Crystal Children know how to release and channel energy using their hands, thoughts, dreams, nature, and crystals. Just watch them! When you have a headache they will place their hand over your third eye and cough out the energy for you.

Don’t forget they are direct communicators to other Realms and use the assistance of Angels daily.

Great ways to encourage Crystal Children’s healing gifts is through meditation, yoga, time in nature,   working with other healers, crystals, and receiving and encouraging their healings.

What is CranioSacral and How will it help your child

Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, non-invasive, hands-on healing modality that focuses on the wave-like rhythmic pulse that goes through the entire body. CranioSacral Therapy releases restrictions around the brain and spinal cord, thus allowing our body to self-heal and self-correct.

Throughout the journey of life, we encounter and endure stress, strains, and trauma that become trapped in our bodies. When our body holds onto the stress, strains, and trauma instead of releasing it, our tissues and fluids are no longer in harmony, thus our core body system becomes compromised. When there is disharmony in the body this will result in dis-ease in our body and symptoms of pain, discomfort, emotional, physical, and behavioral issues will arise.

When there is decompression on the Cranium (head), a child might experience the following symptoms:

  • Sensory issues
  • Delay in speech
  • Lack of eye contact
  • Highly Interverted

Many children on the Autistic Spectrum experience the above symptoms and with CranioSacral Therapy the Cranium will begin to expand and contract allowing the tissues and fluids to release, relax, and flow without restriction.

Expand your mind, open your heart and receive your child as they are. -Dana Massat

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